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// Copyright 2019 Conflux Foundation. All rights reserved.
// Conflux is free software and distributed under GNU General Public License.
// See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
//! Overlay Account: The access and manipulation object during execution, which
//! includes both database-stored information and in-execution data of an
//! account.
/// Entry object in cache and checkpoint layers, adding additional markers
/// like dirty bits to the `OverlayAccount` structure.
pub mod account_entry;
/// Implements access functions for the basic fields (e.g., balance, nonce) of
/// an `OverlayAccount`.
mod basic;
/// Implements functions of an `OverlayAccount` related to the storage
/// collateral.
mod collateral;
/// Implements functions of an `OverlayAccount` related to committing changes to
/// the database.
mod commit;
/// Implements functions of an `OverlayAccount` related to loading and accessing
/// logic for lazily loaded fields of an `OverlayAccount` object.
mod ext_fields;
/// Implements functions for constructing `OverlayAccount` objects, frequently
/// utilized in checkpoint logic to create and manage account instances.
mod factory;
/// Implements functions of an `OverlayAccount` related to the sponsor
/// mechanism.
mod sponsor;
/// Implements functions of an `OverlayAccount` related to the staking.
mod staking;
/// Each `OverlayAccount` maintains a 256-bit addressable storage space, managed
/// directly by `OverlayAccount` rather than the state object. This module
/// implements functions of an `OverlayAccount` related to the storage entry
/// manipulation.
mod storage;
mod checkpoints;
mod state_override;
mod tests;
pub use account_entry::AccountEntry;
pub use ext_fields::RequireFields;
use crate::substate::Substate;
use cfx_types::{
address_util::AddressUtil, Address, AddressWithSpace, Space, H256, U256,
use keccak_hash::KECCAK_EMPTY;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use primitives::{
is_default::IsDefault, CodeInfo, DepositList, SponsorInfo, StorageLayout,
StorageValue, VoteStakeList,
use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
use cfx_types::AddressSpaceUtil;
use self::checkpoints::WriteCheckpointLayer;
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Clone))]
/// The access and manipulation object during execution, which includes both
/// database-stored information and in-execution data of an account. It is a
/// basic unit of state caching map and the checkpoint layers (more
/// specifically, its extented struct `AccountEntry`).
/// In Conflux consensus executor, after the execution of one epoch, the
/// `OverlayAccount` in cache will be commit to the database.
pub struct OverlayAccount {
/* ----------------------------------------
- Database-stored fields for all accounts -
---------------------------------------- */
/// Address of the account
address: AddressWithSpace,
/// Balance (in Drip) of the account
balance: U256,
/// Nonce of the account,
nonce: U256,
/// Code hash of the account.
code_hash: H256,
/// Staking balance (in Drip) of the account
staking_balance: U256,
/// Collateral (in Drip) of the account
collateral_for_storage: U256,
/// Accumulated interest return (in Drip) of the account.
/// Inactive after CIP-43.
accumulated_interest_return: U256,
/* ---------------------------------------------------
- Database-stored fields for contract accounts only -
--------------------------------------------------- */
/// Administrator of the account (Only applicable for contract)
admin: Address,
/// Sponsor information of the account (Only applicable for contract)
sponsor_info: SponsorInfo,
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Lazily loaded database-stored fields, also called `ext_fields` -
---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// List of the deposit info of the account, sorted in increasing order of
/// `deposit_time`. (`None` indicates not loaded from db.)
/// Cleared after CIP-97.
deposit_list: Option<DepositList>,
/// List of the vote info of the account. (`None` indicates not loaded from
/// db.)
/// The `unlock_block_number` sorted in increasing order and the `amount`
/// is sorted in decreasing order. All the `unlock_block_number` and
/// `amount` is unique in the list.
vote_stake_list: Option<VoteStakeList>,
/// The code of the account. (`None` indicates not loaded from db if
/// `code_hash` isn't `KECCAK_EMPTY`.)
code: Option<CodeInfo>,
/* -------------------
- In-execution data -
------------------- */
/// Storage layout change of the account
storage_layout_change: Option<StorageLayout>,
/// Read cache for the storage entries of this account for recording
/// unchanged values.
storage_read_cache: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<Vec<u8>, StorageValue>>>,
/// Write cache for the storage entries of this account for recording
/// changed values.
storage_write_cache: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<Vec<u8>, StorageValue>>>,
Option<WriteCheckpointLayer<Vec<u8>, StorageValue>>,
/// Transient storage from CIP-142
transient_storage_cache: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<Vec<u8>, U256>>>,
transient_storage_checkpoint: Option<WriteCheckpointLayer<Vec<u8>, U256>>,
/* ---------------
- Special flags -
--------------- */
/// Indicates whether it is a newly created contract since last commit.
is_newly_created_contract: bool,
/// Indicates whether all the storage entries and lazily loaded fields of
/// this account on the database should be regarded as deleted be and
/// cleared later. It will be set when such a contract has been killed
/// since last commit.
pending_db_clear: bool,
/// Indicates whether the storage cache entries of this account have been
/// overrided by the passed-in storage entries.
/// When this flag is set, the storage entries will only be read from the
/// cache
storage_overrided: bool,
impl OverlayAccount {
/// Inditcates if this account can execute bytecode
pub fn is_contract(&self) -> bool {
self.code_hash != KECCAK_EMPTY || self.is_newly_created_contract
/// Inditcates if this account has been killed and has not been re-created
/// (e.g. sending balance to killed address can recreate it) since last
/// commit.
pub fn removed_without_update(&self) -> bool {
self.pending_db_clear && self.as_account().is_default()
/// Inditcates if this account's storage entries and lazily loaded fields on
/// db should be cleared. Upon committing the overlay account, if this flag
/// is set, db clearing for this account will be triggerred.
pub fn pending_db_clear(&self) -> bool { self.pending_db_clear }
/// Inditcates if this account's storage entries and lazily loaded fields on
/// db are marked invalid (so an entry is empty if not in cache).
pub fn fresh_storage(&self) -> bool {
let builtin_address = self.address.space == Space::Native
&& self.address.address.is_builtin_address();
(self.is_newly_created_contract && !builtin_address)
|| self.pending_db_clear
|| self.storage_overrided
impl OverlayAccount {
pub fn is_newly_created_contract(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_basic(&self) -> bool { self.code_hash == KECCAK_EMPTY }
mod tests_another {
use super::*;
use crate::state::get_state_for_genesis_write;
use primitives::is_default::IsDefault;
use std::str::FromStr;
fn test_account_is_default(account: &mut OverlayAccount) {
let state = get_state_for_genesis_write();
account.cache_ext_fields(true, true, &state.db).unwrap();
fn new_overlay_account_is_default() {
let normal_addr =
let builtin_addr =
test_account_is_default(&mut OverlayAccount::new_basic(
test_account_is_default(&mut OverlayAccount::new_basic(