use crate::{
message::{Message, MsgId, RequestId},
use cfx_internal_common::ChainIdParamsOneChainInner;
use cfx_types::{H160, H256};
use network::{node_table::NodeId, NetworkContext, UpdateNodeOperation};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use primitives::{account::AccountError, filter::FilterError, StateRoot};
use rlp::DecoderError;
use std::sync::Arc;
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum Error {
Network(#[from] network::Error),
StateDb(#[from] cfx_statedb::Error),
Storage(#[from] cfx_storage::Error),
Decoder(#[from] DecoderError),
Filter(#[from] FilterError),
AccountError(#[from] AccountError),
#[error("packet already throttled: {0:?}")]
AlreadyThrottled(&'static str),
#[error("ChainId mismatch, ours={ours:?}, theirs={theirs:?}.")]
ChainIdMismatch {
ours: ChainIdParamsOneChainInner,
theirs: ChainIdParamsOneChainInner,
#[error("{:?}", .0.display_error())]
#[error("Genesis mismatch, ours={ours:?}, theirs={theirs:?}.")]
GenesisMismatch { ours: H256, theirs: H256 },
#[error("Internal error: {0:?}")]
#[error("Logs bloom hash validation for epoch {epoch} failed, expected={expected:?}, received={received:?}")]
InvalidBloom {
epoch: u64,
expected: H256,
received: H256,
#[error("Header verification failed")]
#[error("Invalid ledger proof size for header {hash:?}: expected={expected}, received={received}")]
InvalidLedgerProofSize {
hash: H256,
expected: u64,
received: u64,
#[error("Invalid message format")]
#[error("Invalid previous state root for epoch {current_epoch} with snapshot epoch count {snapshot_epoch_count}: {root:?}")]
InvalidPreviousStateRoot {
current_epoch: u64,
snapshot_epoch_count: u64,
root: Option<StateRoot>,
#[error("Receipts root validation for epoch {epoch} failed, expected={expected:?}, received={received:?}")]
InvalidReceipts {
epoch: u64,
expected: H256,
received: H256,
"Invalid state proof for key {value:?} and value {key:?} in epoch {epoch}: {reason:?}"
InvalidStateProof {
epoch: u64,
key: Vec<u8>,
value: Option<Vec<u8>>,
reason: &'static str,
source: Option<Box<Error>>,
#[error("State root validation for epoch {epoch} failed, expected={expected:?}, received={received:?}")]
InvalidStateRoot {
epoch: u64,
expected: H256,
received: H256,
#[error("Invalid storage root proof for address {address:?} in epoch {epoch}: {reason}")]
InvalidStorageRootProof {
epoch: u64,
address: H160,
reason: &'static str,
source: Option<Box<Error>>,
#[error("Invalid tx info: {reason:?}")]
InvalidTxInfo { reason: String },
#[error("Transaction root validation for block {hash:?} failed, expected={expected:?}, received={received:?}")]
InvalidTxRoot {
hash: H256,
expected: H256,
received: H256,
#[error("Invalid signature for transaction {hash:?}")]
InvalidTxSignature { hash: H256 },
#[error("Witness root validation for header {hash:?} failed, expected={expected:?}, received={received:?}")]
InvalidWitnessRoot {
hash: H256,
expected: H256,
received: H256,
#[error("Failed to send status to peer {peer:?}")]
SendStatusFailed {
peer: NodeId,
source: Option<Box<Error>>,
#[error("Operation timeout: {0:?}")]
#[error("packet {0:?} throttled: {1:?}")]
Throttled(&'static str, Throttled),
#[error("Unable to produce tx info: {reason:?}")]
UnableToProduceTxInfo { reason: String },
"Unexpected message id={received:?}, expected one of {expected:?}"
UnexpectedMessage {
expected: Vec<MsgId>,
received: MsgId,
#[error("Unexpected peer type: {node_type:?}")]
UnexpectedPeerType { node_type: NodeType },
#[error("Unexpected response id; expected = {expected:?}, received = {received:?}")]
UnexpectedResponse {
expected: Option<RequestId>,
received: RequestId,
#[error("Unknown message: {id:?}")]
UnknownMessage { id: MsgId },
#[error("Witness for epoch {epoch} is not available")]
WitnessUnavailable { epoch: u64 },
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
pub fn handle(
io: &dyn NetworkContext, peer: &NodeId, msg_id: MsgId, e: &Error,
) {
if !matches!(e, Error::ClonableErrorWrapper(_)) {
"Error while handling message, peer={}, msg_id={:?}, error={}",
peer, msg_id, e,
let mut disconnect = true;
let reason = format!("{}", e);
let mut op = None;
match &e {
Error::ClonableErrorWrapper(e) => {
handle(io, peer, msg_id, &*e.0.lock());
disconnect = false
| Error::InternalError(_)
| Error::Msg(_)
| Error::SendStatusFailed{..}
| Error::Timeout(_)
| Error::UnableToProduceTxInfo{..}
| Error::WitnessUnavailable{..}
| Error::UnknownMessage{..} => disconnect = false,
| Error::InvalidHeader
| Error::ChainIdMismatch{..}
| Error::UnexpectedMessage{..}
| Error::UnexpectedPeerType{..} => op = Some(UpdateNodeOperation::Failure),
Error::UnexpectedResponse{..} => {
op = Some(UpdateNodeOperation::Demotion)
| Error::InvalidLedgerProofSize{..}
| Error::InvalidMessageFormat
| Error::InvalidPreviousStateRoot{..}
| Error::InvalidReceipts{..}
| Error::InvalidStateProof{..}
| Error::InvalidStateRoot{..}
| Error::InvalidStorageRootProof{..}
| Error::InvalidTxInfo{..}
| Error::InvalidTxRoot{..}
| Error::InvalidTxSignature{..}
| Error::InvalidWitnessRoot{..}
| Error::AlreadyThrottled(_)
| Error::Decoder(_)
| Error::AccountError(_) => op = Some(UpdateNodeOperation::Remove),
Error::Throttled(_, resp) => {
disconnect = false;
if let Err(e) = resp.send(io, peer) {
error!("failed to send throttled packet: {:?}", e);
disconnect = true;
Error::Network(kind) => match kind {
network::Error::SendUnsupportedMessage{..} => {
unreachable!("This is a bug in protocol version maintenance. {:?}", kind);
network::Error::MessageDeprecated{..} => {
op = Some(UpdateNodeOperation::Failure);
"Peer sent us a deprecated message {:?}. Either it's a bug \
in protocol version maintenance or the peer is malicious.",
| network::Error::AddressResolve(_)
| network::Error::Auth
| network::Error::BadAddr
| network::Error::Disconnect(_)
| network::Error::Expired
| network::Error::InvalidNodeId
| network::Error::Io(_)
| network::Error::OversizedPacket
| network::Error::Throttling(_) => disconnect = false,
network::Error::BadProtocol | network::Error::Decoder(_) => {
op = Some(UpdateNodeOperation::Remove)
network::Error::SocketIo(_) | network::Error::Msg(_) => {
op = Some(UpdateNodeOperation::Failure)
Error::StateDb(_)| Error::Storage(_) => disconnect = false,
if disconnect {
io.disconnect_peer(peer, op, reason.as_str());
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ClonableError(Arc<Mutex<Error>>);
impl Into<Error> for ClonableError {
fn into(self) -> Error { Error::ClonableErrorWrapper(self).into() }
impl From<Error> for ClonableError {
fn from(e: Error) -> ClonableError {
impl ClonableError {
fn display_error(&self) -> String { self.0.lock().to_string() }
impl From<&str> for Error {
fn from(e: &str) -> Self { Error::Msg(e.into()) }
impl From<String> for Error {
fn from(e: String) -> Self { Error::Msg(e) }