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// Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright 2021 Conflux Foundation. All rights reserved.
// Conflux is free software and distributed under GNU General Public License.
// See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
use consensus_types::{
common::{Author, Round},
use diem_types::validator_config::ConsensusVRFProof;
/// ProposerElection incorporates the logic of choosing a leader among multiple
/// candidates. We are open to a possibility for having multiple proposers per
/// round, the ultimate choice of a proposal is exposed by the election protocol
/// via the stream of proposals.
pub trait ProposerElection {
/// If a given author is a valid candidate for being a proposer, generate
/// the info, otherwise return None.
/// Note that this function is synchronous.
fn is_valid_proposer(&self, author: Author, round: Round) -> bool {
self.get_valid_proposer(round) == author
/// Return the valid proposer for a given round (this information can be
/// used by e.g., voters for choosing the destinations for sending their
/// votes to).
fn get_valid_proposer(&self, round: Round) -> Author;
/// Return if a given proposed block is valid.
fn is_valid_proposal(&self, block: &Block) -> bool {
block.author().map_or(false, |author| {
self.is_valid_proposer(author, block.round())
/// TODO(lpl): Find a better way to integrate VRF and deterministic leader
/// election. Return `true` if we use random leader election, which
/// means we can only choose proposal candidates to vote after waiting
/// for a fixed period of time, and `get_valid_proposer` returns meaningless
/// value.
fn is_random_election(&self) -> bool { false }
fn receive_proposal_candidate(
&self, _block: &Block,
) -> anyhow::Result<bool> {
/// Choose a proposal from all received proposal candidates to vote for.
fn choose_proposal_to_vote(&self) -> Option<Block> { unreachable!() }
fn next_round(&self, _round: Round, _new_seed: Vec<u8>) { unreachable!() }
fn gen_vrf_nonce_and_proof(
&self, _block_data: &BlockData,
) -> Option<(u64, ConsensusVRFProof)> {
fn set_proposal_candidate(&self, _block: Block) { unreachable!() }