Crate cfx_vm_types
source ·Structs§
- Action (call/create) input params. Everything else should be specified in Externalities.
- Information concerning the execution environment for a message-call/contract-creation.
- Return data buffer. Holds memory from a previous call and a slice into that memory.
- Definition of the cost spec and other parameterisations for the VM.
- Wasm cost table
- Transaction value
- The type of the call-like instruction.
- Dust accounts cleanup mode.
- Result of externalities create function.
- Specifies how an address is calculated for a new contract.
- The type of the create-like instruction.
- VM errors.
- Gas Left: either it is a known value, or it needs to be computed by processing a return instruction.
- Result of externalities call function.
- Type of the way parameters encoded
- Context for VMs
- Virtual Machine interface
- Resume call interface
- Resume create interface
- Calculate new contract address.
- Separate out database-related errors from other EVM errors. The EVM itself does not distinguish between errors that originate from within (e.g., index out-of-bounds) and those that come from external sources like database operations.