
id: quick_start title: Quick Start #

ConfluxPortal Quick Start #

Do you prefer to just copy and paste some working code? Here is a simple but complete working ConfluxPortal tipping application.

Below the code snippet, we’ll include some links to some related valuable resources.

// Let's imagine you want to receive an cfx tip
const yourAddress = '0x0c54FcCd2e384b4BB6f2E405Bf5Cbc15a017AaFb'
const value = '0xde0b6b3a7640000' // an ether has 18 decimals, here in hex.
const desiredNetwork = '1' // '1' is the Conflux main network ID.

// Detect whether the current browser is conflux-compatible,
// and handle the case where it isn't:
if (typeof window.conflux === 'undefined') {
  alert('Looks like you need a Dapp browser to get started.')
  alert('Consider installing ConfluxPortal!')

} else {

  // In the case the user has ConfluxPortal installed, you can easily
  // ask them to sign in and reveal their accounts:

  // Remember to handle the case they reject the request:
  .catch(function (reason) {
    if (reason === 'User rejected provider access') {
      // The user didn't want to sign in!
    } else {
      // This shouldn't happen, so you might want to log this...
      alert('There was an issue signing you in.')

  // In the case they approve the log-in request, you'll receive their accounts:
  .then(function (accounts) {
    // You also should verify the user is on the correct network:
    if (conflux.networkVersion !== desiredNetwork) {
      alert('This application requires the main network, please switch it in your ConfluxPortal UI.')

      // We plan to provide an API to make this request in the near future.

    // Once you have a reference to user accounts,
    // you can suggest transactions and signatures:
    const account = accounts[0]
    sendCFXFrom(account, function (err, transaction) {
      if (err) {
        return alert(`Sorry you weren't able to contribute!`)

      alert('Thanks for your successful contribution!')


function sendCFXFrom (account, callback) {

  // We're going to use the lowest-level API here, with simpler example links below
  const method = 'cfx_sendTransaction'
  const parameters = [{
    from: account,
    to: yourAddress,
    value: value,
  const from = account

  // Now putting it all together into an RPC request:
  const payload = {
    method: method,
    params: parameters,
    from: from,

  // Methods that require user authorization like this one will prompt a user interaction.
  // Other methods (like reading from the blockchain) may not.
  conflux.sendAsync(payload, function (err, response) {
    const rejected = 'User denied transaction signature.'
    if (response.error && response.error.message.includes(rejected)) {
      return alert(`We can't take your money without your permission.`)

    if (err) {
      return alert('There was an issue, please try again.')

    if (response.result) {
      // If there is a response.result, the call was successful.
      // In the case of this method, it is a transaction hash.
      const txHash = response.result
      alert('Thank you for your generosity!')

      // You can poll the blockchain to see when this transaction has been mined:
      pollForCompletion(txHash, callback)

function pollForCompletion (txHash, callback) {
  let calledBack = false

  // Normal conflux blocks are approximately every 15 seconds.
  // Here we'll poll every 2 seconds.
  const checkInterval = setInterval(function () {

    const notYet = 'response has no error or result'
      method: 'cfx_getTransactionByHash',
      params: [ txHash ],
    }, function (err, response) {
      if (calledBack) return
      if (err || response.error) {
        if (err.message.includes(notYet)) {
          return 'transaction is not yet mined'

        callback(err || response.error)

      // We have successfully verified the mined transaction.
      // Mind you, we should do this server side, with our own blockchain connection.
      // Client side we are trusting the user's connection to the blockchain.
      const transaction = response.result
      calledBack = true
      callback(null, transaction)
  }, 2000)

Now that was all very low level, but should show you how ConfluxPortal works at its simplest, and lowest level!

Now you can read more about this conflux API, or maybe get acquainted with a convenience library so you don’t have to interact with it directly:

Last updated: 3/17/2020 Top