Constant pos_genesis_tool::USAGE

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pub(crate) const USAGE: &str = r#"
    tgconfig random --initial-seed <seed> [--num-validator=<nv> --num-genesis-validator=<ng> --chain-id=<id>]
    tgconfig frompub --initial-seed <seed> <pkfile>

    -h, --help              Display this message and exit.
    --num-validator=<nv>    The number of validators.
    --num-genesis-validator=<ng>    The number of validators included in the genesis.
    --chain-id=<id>         The chain id of the PoW chain.
    --initial-seed=<seed>   The 32-byte hex string of the initial seed hash.

    random                  Generate random key pairs for validators.
    frompub                 Generate config file from pubkey file.